Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Hazardous Duty by Christy Barritt       Buying a gun to kill your wife: $3,000 Hiring Trauma Care to clean afterward: $1,500 Having that same cleaner uncover evidence that frames you: Priceless On her way to completing a degree in forensic science, Gabby St. Claire drops out of school and starts her own crime scene cleaning business. When a routine cleaning job uncovers a murder weapon the police overlooked, she realizes that the wrong person is in jail. But the owner of the weapon is a powerful foe . . . and willing to do anything to keep Gabby quiet. With the help of her new neighbor, Riley Thomas, a man whose life and faith fascinate her, Gabby plays the detective to make sure the right person is put behind bars. Can Riley help her before another murder occurs?                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ok.so you've seen CSI but have you seen crime scene cleaners? Yes this specialty exists and its the work of theism character. A funny thing about being  a crime cbn scene cleaner sometimes perpetrators return to.the scene of the crime and sometimes.they want to destroy  evidence. This makes a lot of scary trouble fire our main protagonist who has some narrow escapes throughout the story. The characters were well developed in this introductory novel. The plot was solid and did not bore me into putting it down for a while. Lots of action and questions that kept me guessing .

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