Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Review of Love Story by Nicole Nordeman


Love Story is an exquisite narrative that exposes the emotional and human underside of major biblical events, including Adam and Eve’s dramatic fall in the Garden of Eden, Sarah and Abraham’s struggle to have a child, Mary’s surprise at being pregnant with Jesus, Paul’s trauma on the road to Damascus, and concludes with a triumphant picture of the second coming of Christ. This book is a dramatic connecting point for all readers, inspiring them to grasp the poignant nature of God’s immense, all-consuming love.

Review: This was an amazing book. I both read and listened to it as circumstances permitted. It was a rich mix of spiritual insight and personal vulnerability the draws the reader in and then makes you sit and stay. It was written as a sort of companion to the album The Story which contains scripture inspired songs ranging from Old to new Testaments. This is a personal application and really sit and reflect on what this means for me and you type of volume. This being said, it is not a how to book at all with 10 ways to do this or that neither is it full of step by step plans. It is real life and real experiences from a person being her authentic self . This is what really captures you. No formula can take the place of honest revelation of how God relates to you personally in all of the vicissitudes of life.

The authors willingness to be transparent in order to reach others where they live both in her prose and in her music (she is also a recording artist features on the abovementioned album) is refreshing and compelling. I feel that it may appeal to people who have had less exposure to church as it does not come across like I have all the answers and am perfect which is a certain flavor of a few authors within the non fiction Christian genre. I am not certain that they mean to come across that way but perhaps their didactic style lends itself to that vibe. I understand that they are imparting information that it took a time of study and experience to get the full revelation on but folks who are searching or who are revisiting the religious practices of their youth might not. As I said this is faith with flesh on that you can touch and relate to. Well written and well done at the ending I give this

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